Connect with your inner self and share your spiritual journey with Spirit & Destiny magazine. Find guidance, every month, with expert advice and practical techniques, in-depth reports on subjects including tarot, crystals, angels and the afterlife, as well as all the latest news on alternative wellbeing.
Create habits for happiness • The past year has taken its toll, so let’s lift our spirits with some practices that will bring joy, peace, and happiness
Lucky Symbol of the month The feather • Spiritual broadcaster and angelic reiki healer Kris Meredith explains why the symbol of the feather represents powerful guidance
Dates for your diary July
Don’t stop BELIEVING! • Trust in the Law of Attraction helped Isha Panesar get her book published
The book that changed my life!
The search is ON
It’s a colourful life
Practice makes perfect • Help make spirituality a daily ritual
Recharge your batteries • If you don’t move around enough or make sure your posture is good, your energy stagnates. Recharge yourself with this simple exercise
Spiritual You
Spirit & Destiny
SPIRIT & DESTINY 5-STAR PSYCHIC READING SERVICE • Psychic readings can be a source of inspiration and lift your spirits even when faced with life’s challenges
Crystal Whisperer • Crystals expert Katie-Jane Wright considers how to ground our energies when our foundations feel shaky
CRYSTAL MESSAGE OF THE MONTH Stromatolite has this to say…
Everday Angels • Author Tanya Carroll Richardson discusses how the angels help us find compassion and kindness for others
‘I put meditation to the test’ • Vanessa Potter was inspired to investigate the workings of her mind when a terrifying illness left her blind and paralysed
Try one for size • Here are three of the meditations Vanessa trialled
Let’s get started • Vanessa shares her advice for beginning a meditation practice
TELL US your story EARN UP TO £300! • If you have an interesting spiritual journey you’d like to share in Spirit & Destiny, we’d love to hear about it
You’re an absolute GODDESS! • Discover your Divine Feminine personality to maximise self-love and manifest your desires
Which goddess are you? • Identify your goddess personality by reading each statement and choosing which answer feels the most you. Trust your intuition and go with what resonates at a soul level
HOW DID YOU GET ON? • Which goddess are you most closely aligned to? Read on to discover how she can help and guide you…
Release your full potential • The Moon is a natural tool for every goddess. Its energy opens and strengthens your Divine Feminine connection and helps you remember that, at your essence, you are strong
WHICH CRYSTAL WILL HELP YOU? • Boost your goddess energy by connecting with their associated crystal
Sensational SELF-LOVE • Treat yourself to something to look after body and mind!
SALUTE THE SUN • Invite warmth, laughter and inspiration into your life
UNLOCK YOUR secret chakras • Expert Sue Ricks introduces you to the 15 – yes, 15! – extra chakras you probably never knew you had
Supercharge your seven chakras • These points act as a superhighway for spiritual energy and affect your emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing
Meet the FANTASTIC FIFTEEN! • Discover more about the energy centres that have remained hidden to so many for so long
Explore your UNTOLD STORY • Let your imagination run riot in this magical world of...