Since 1884 Amateur Gardening has been the gardening ‘Bible’ for serious gardeners from all walks of life. With unrivalled levels of practical content written by seasoned experts, it remains the only media brand to win a coveted gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show. We are passionate about all things horticultural and are dedicated to producing informative content that gives accurate and helpful advice. Amateur Gardening is a trusted fortnightly companion, offering guidance and advice for all green-fingered projects.
A warm welcome • An exciting year ahead
Amateur Gardening
TV star Charlie Dimmock to headline AG magazine’s summer gardening spectacular. • Bringing you some of the gardening news highlights
Three cheers for our garden centres!
A Mother’s Day gift of herbs
A delight of daffodils
Botanical experts help stricken Scottish gardens • Storm-damaged gardens appeal for practical and financial help
A head full of beautiful bright bulbs • Caring for and planting bulbs is a delightful spring task
Keeping on top of potential plant destroyers organically • Grow healthy plants and harness nature’s help
Springtime care of houseplants • Keep them strong and healthy as they return to growth
Salad seed sowing, when to crop rotate and last call for fruit tree pruning • Lucy explains how to make the most of the next few weeks
Four of the best root vegetables to grow • Chris Collins from Garden Organic reveals his favourite varieties and explains how to grow them
11 Unusual edibles which you might already be growing • Permaculturalist Huw Richards unveils some unexpected but tasty edibles
How to grow your own mini orchard • Kim Stoddart explains how to reap some resilient and fruity rewards…
10 fantastic ways plants have adapted for survival • Plantsman Graham Clarke looks at some of the ingenious methods popular garden plants use to flourish and grow
How to grow onions and blueberries, and protect early seedlings from frost • Anne explains how she’s coped with onion white rot and why container grown blueberries are often easier to work with
7 of the most dazzling dwarf irises • Mike Palmer shares everything you need to know about these diminutive divas with big personalities
Money-saving spring projects • Rosie Irving shares more inspiring reuse and recycle inspiration
Eight early summer showstoppers to plant now • Liz Zorab chooses some of her favourite floral stars
How to make your own plant staging • Andrew Oldham explains how to maximise growing space for next to nothing
Your GARDENING TEA BREAK • Gardening’s king of trivia and brain-teasers, Graham Clarke
TOP HANDY HACKS With Adam Kirtland • Which products or projects would you like Adam to cover and trial in his column? Please contact with suggestions.
Happiness and houseplants • Ellen Mary explains how to create a calming plant-filled sanctuary in your home
Are you ready for some early colour? • These easy beauties brighten borders and feed pollinators
How to grow food whatever the weather • Stephanie Hafferty explains why her undercover space offers so much opportunity
Ask JOHN NEGUS • John is a gardening legend and here to answer your lovely questions
MASTERCLASS • With Julia Boulton, Beth Chatto’s granddaughter and chief custodian of the world-famous gardens, and her team
PLANT WATCH With Michael Perry • Your plant recommendations from expert plantsman, Michael.
The best herbs for container growing • Toby explains how to grow these food-enhancing and...