Gardeners' World Magazine is the authoritative voice in gardening, the clear market-leader since it launched in 1991. The award-winning editorial includes topical, practical advice in the readers' favourite 'what to do now' section, and regular contributions and features from the top names in BBC gardening. Packed with fresh ideas and clear advice - the innovative approach offers creative, practical and problem-solving solutions to all keen gardeners.
Welcome to March
We love March • In Greek mythology Aeolus was ruler of the winds and lived on a floating island near Sicily. He kept getting mixed up in the machinations of the Olympian gods as they wanted ships blown one way or the other. Anyway, I bring him up because March is a notoriously windy month: one in which Aeolus will be busy with brisk south-westerlies and nippy north-easterlies. Some days will be balmy, but don’t be tempted to risk tender plants outside as it could all change in the blink of an eye. Be patient, spring is coming. Just not quite yet.
YOU MAY SPOT… • Tawny owl, Strix aluco
BBC Gardener’s World magazine podcasts • New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday, plus short bonus episodes on Saturdays
PLANT UP A POT… • Pollinator’s paradise
Discover the gardens of Gravetye Manor • Thursday 10 April 2025 – £220pp
Expert’s choice Daphne • Tricky to propagate and grumpy in the wet, daphnes will win you over with pretty blooms and rich fragrance, says Graham Rice
FREE summer bulbs • with all orders of the geranium collection
The Full Monty • Putting together each episode and series of Gardeners’ World is complicated, incredibly demanding and sometimes frustrating – and Monty loves it
2 for 1 Gardens • Captivating camellias With spring finally here, we celebrate a few of the many 2 for 1 Gardens whose camellias promise a surge of colour this month
Get 6 issues for £26† and start gardening with this spring bundle
Save 15% with J Parker’s • BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine subscribers can now save an additional 15% on more than 2,000 bulbs and plants online, in addition to the vast range of savings already offered. Below are just a few of the colourful plants you can choose from.
Fresh new start • Want to grow delicious homegrown food this year? Monty shows you how to prepare for a summer of delicious harvests
Just like starting over • As Gardeners’ World returns, Monty Don unveils his new plans for Longmeadow’s iconic Jewel Garden
The team is back • While Monty shares the latest from Longmeadow, the other GW presenters are preparing for a dynamic year ahead. Executive Producer Gary Broadhurst shares an exclusive glimpse into 2025
Next-gen gardening • Arit Anderson considers how we can encourage and nurture the next generation of gardeners
NO-FEAR GARDENING PART 1: START GROWING FLOWERS • Feel like you don’t know where to begin? This year, Frances Tophill will hold your hand through the seasons with simple advice on making a garden
SUMMER FLOWERS • I always recommend sowing plenty of flowers from seed in the spring rather than buying them in a big pot. Doing it that way helps you to get to know the varieties from the beginning, so that you can really develop a relationship with them. Always start small. It is very easy at this stage to over-sow and become overrun and overwhelmed. Build up your plant collection slowly, but you’ll be surprised how floriferous your plot can be if you start by growing a few flowers in spring.
Explore the gardens of Dorset and Somerset
Discover the gardens of the Scottish Borders
Master your mix • Nick’s guide to combining plants In this new series Nick Bailey shows how to mix plants in natural planting...