Sculpt A Lean And Strong Body is your complete expert guide to getting your best ever body faster than you thought possible! Inside you’ll find your six-week training plan that will torch body fat - specifically from your arms, bottom and thighs - while also toning and defining your muscles to transform your body for a lean and strong look. There’s also a detailed nutrition guide to help you eat healthier without giving up the foods you love. In short, this book contains all the advice and insight you need to look, feel and perform better than ever!
Fat loss and your body
Workout FAQ
The new rules of nutrition
Ready? Let’s go! • You’re almost ready to start your six-week exercise and eating plan to get a stronger, leaner body and look and feel better than ever. All you need to do is read the following pages, which detail exactly how the training programme works, and then our top tips for making every session as effective as possible to get amazing results in just six weeks!
Get motivated! • Follow these six tips to get – and stay – motivated
Week 1 • In this first week, each six-move total-body circuit comprises two lower-body moves, two upper-body ones, and two abs or core moves to finish. This high-intensity, fullbody approach kick-starts the fatburning process and will help you build well-defined muscles. Do the six moves in order, resting only after the last one. Do four circuits in total.
Week 2 • Week 2’s workouts are almost the same as the previous week’s – but there’s one big change to keep you progressing. You’re going to do an extra round of circuits each time you work out, giving you a total of five circuits per session. This increase will burn more fat as fuel and further tone your upper-body muscles for a more defined look.
Week 3 • To keep the results coming, we’ve made some changes to help you keep the intensity high and burn fat while continuing to tone your muscles. Each circuit begins with a lower-body move, follows it with an upper-body one and then two body part-specific exercises, and finishes with two core moves. You’ll do each move for slightly longer now too.
Week 4 • You’re halfway through this sixweek plan now, so it’s time to push on harder to get into the best shape possible. This week, every workout is the same as last week except that you’ll do two extra rounds to take the total number of circuits per workout to six. Stay focused and maintain good form to keep your body changing for the better.
Week 5 • For the final two weeks, we’ve changed the workouts again to give you the best chance of getting into amazing shape. Each circuit alternates lower-body and upperbody moves, increasing the time again, to keep the intensity high so you’ll torch fat and tone muscle faster. Do four circuits this week, still only resting after the last move.
Week 6 • It’s the final week of the plan, so give every session everything you’ve got to burn away that stubborn body fat and give your muscles the stimulus they need to look and feel toned and defined. The circuits are the same as Week 5, except you’ll do two extra rounds to take the total number of circuits per workout to six. Good luck – and end the plan strong!
Eat for a lean & strong body • The saying “you are what you eat” is an old one – but it still holds true, especially if you want to be fitter and healthier. In this chapter you’ll learn about the best ways to eat to fuel your journey towards a stronger and leaner body, and discover the simple healthy eating changes that can have a big impact on every area of your life!
Nutrition FAQ
Building healthier habits • Make these simple–but highly...