Does your body feel stiff and creaky when you wake up in the morning? Have you noticed frown lines on your face or weight gain around your middle? Or perhaps you forget where you left your keys or find it hard to sleep well at night. The signs of ageing creep up on us all, meaning we sometimes don’t feel as fit, focused and energetic as we’d like. Well, yoga can help. This ancient system of mind and body exercise is now medically proven to offer anti-ageing benefits. If yoga came as a pill, it’s likely doctors would prescribe it to keep us fit, young and healthy! The unique series of postures cleverly tunes all your body’s systems, balancing hormones, cleansing toxins, protecting your heart and rejuvenating your mind, as well as strengthening and stretching every part of your body. By building a regular practice and including poses to target your goals, you can devise an effective, anti-ageing yoga programme. Stay Young with Yoga is your perfect guide. With expert advice and step-by-step instruction, you’ll discover the benefits, learn the foundations and then experience the incredible rewards as you practise the stay-young sequences, stretches and breathing exercises.
Stay Young With Yoga
How to use this book • Ready to begin your yoga journey to a fitter, flexible, younger you? Start here to reap the maximum rewards from this plan.
How yoga helps you age well • Want to look and feel younger for longer? Yoga offers a host of anti-ageing benefits – from better balance to a sharper mind. Here’s the proof
Yoga body benefits • Sure yoga is just for relaxation? Think again! Here are just a few of the anti-ageing benefits that will keep you looking and feeling younger
Stay strong • Yoga is one of the most natural ways to maintain your muscle strength and stamina, keeping you lean and powerful as you grow older
Get flexible • Want to stay supple and injury free? Yoga can keep your body lithe and limber into old age
Better balance • Feeling less nimble than you were as a child? Yoga can help you find your poise and stay centred in any situation
Boost your brain • Want to increase your memory, stay sharp and feel happy? Here’s why it’s time to hit the mat
Look younger • Did you know yoga can help you look more youthful? Here’s why this ancient practice is a natural beauty booster
Stay healthy • From protecting your heart to helping your hormones, yoga is proven to help keep age-related conditions at bay
Before you start • It’s time to start practising yoga but, before you do, read these tips to ensure you get the most from your sessions
Stay-young poses
Mountain pose Tadasana
Chair pose Utkatasana
Tree Vrksasana
Warrior I Virabhadrasana I
Warrior II Virabhadrasana II
Warrior III Virabhadrasana III
Triangle Utthita trikonasana
Extended side angle pose Uttitha parsvakonasana
Crescent moon Anjaneyasana
Garland Malasana
Plank Kumbhakasana
Half moon Ardha chandrasana
Eagle pose Garudasana
Extended hand to toe pose Utthita hasta padangusthasana
Lord of the dance pose Natarajasana
Standing forward fold Uttanasana
Wide-legged forward bend Prasarita padottanasana
Bridge Setu bandha
Shoulder stand Salamba sarvangasana
Downward-facing dog Adho mukha svanasana
Cobra Bhujangasana
Camel Ustrasana
Foot opening with shoulder stretch
Locust variations Salabhasana variations
Boat pose Paripurna navasana
Cobbler Baddha konasana
Seated forward fold Paschimottanasana
Extended child’s pose Balasana
Cow face pose Gomukhasana