The Diabetes Plan
Diabetes THE FACTS • Wondering how many adults are in the same situation? Or pondering how much is spent on diabetes annually? We have all the figures you need…*
WHAT’S YOUR TYPE? • Every few minutes, someone is diagnosed with diabetes type 2. Whatever type you have, keeping informed is key to great management for life
Gestational diabetes • Sometimes referred to as ‘hyperglycemia in pregnancy’, this can develop when a woman’s body doesn’t produce enough insulin to meet the extra demands of pregnancy.
LIFE after your DIAGNOSIS • If you’re newly diagnosed with diabetes, you may feel anxious or out of your depth, but, with help from your medical team, it’s within your control
13 SURPRISING DIABETES MYTHS BUSTED • With an overwhelming amount of information out there, we’ve cut through the noise to sort fact from fiction
Support your LOVED ONES • If your partner, parent or child has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you’ll want to know how you can help. Experts offer their advice…
Prediabetic? WHAT TO DO NEXT • If you’ve been given this diagnosis, follow our straightforward five-point plan to prevent or reduce your risk of developing diabetes
Your HEALTHY EATING CHECKLIST • So you’ve been told to eat a healthy, balanced diet. But what does that actually mean? Here’s our guide to the basics…
Escape the SUGAR TRAP • Finding it hard to cut down on your sugar intake? Here are some helpful tricks…
Are you eating ENOUGH FIBER? • A high-fiber diet will help regulate the rate of release of glucose into your blood. Here’s how to make sure you’re getting enough…
Could a DIET CURE YOU? • Type 2 diabetes has long been thought to be incurable, but new studies may put paid to that way of thinking…
THE FAST 800 • Famed diet and health expert Dr Michael Mosley reveals how The Fast 800 plan could help type 2 diabetics – not least because it worked for him!
THE FAST 800 MEAL PLAN • There’s more to life than following diet after diet, which is why this plan is designed to help you get fast results – and then make sure they last…
HIGH IN TASTE low on carbs • Many type 2 diabetics have found they can control their symptoms with a low carb diet. We've partnered with The Low Carb Program, which is approved by the UK’s NHS, to show you how it’s done…
GOING LOW CARB helped me lose 4 STONE • Debra Scott, 57, has put her type 2 diabetes into remission and is helping others to do the same
Taking control OF COMFORT EATING • Eating more healthily isn't always that easy. Lots of us reach for food when we’re down, stressed or tired. Here’s why…
WALK yourself FIT! • Keen to get active? Walking is a great starting point
Your walking plan
De-stress & shape up • An increasing number of people are turning to yoga to help keep their diabetes in check. Now so can you…
The moves
30 days of yoga • Follow this plan to get your body used to the moves, and gradually build up to a more challenging routine
The beginner’s guide to RUNNING • It’s great for improving your health and it’s never too late to tap into the benefits – or ramp them up if you’re already running. Here’s how…
GET STRONG get healthy! • Strength training is essential for all of us as we age, and it can help reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Here’s how to get started
Boost your N.E.A.T • Did you know that ‘no-exercise exercise’ could be the way to increase your activity levels and help improve your health and wellbeing?
Ready to move it? • Tone...