PawPrint Cats: A New Understanding
Does Your Cat Love You? • Pet owners have searched for ways to demystify and quantify their relationship with their cats. Researchers finally have some answers.
INSIDE THEIR MINDS • Cat experts explore feline cognition to learn about our pets’ behaviors, patterns, and communication.
What They’re Trying to Tell Us • Understanding your cat’s behavior can help you meet their needs. Here’s how to decipher their unique body language.
Why Cats Sleep So Much • How can you tell if your cat is dozing for all the wrong reasons? Here’s what you need to know about why cats nap a lot and how many hours a day they should be sleeping.
Behind the Meowing • Is your cat meowing because she’s happy, mad, sad, or unwell? As with everything related to cat behavior and health, it’s all about context.
WHY DOES MY CAT BITE ME? • Find out what’s going on when your favorite feline gives you an out-of-nowhere nip.
Are You Following Me? • They may sometimes try to make it seem coincidental, but plenty of cats trail their humans wherever they go.
What the Tail Tells • Let’s get to the bottom of how your kitty’s adorable appendage functions.
How Cats Really Feel About Water • Not every cat hates it, but here are three reasons why yours might not love it.
CAT QUESTIONS, ANSWERED • From the significance of breeds to signs of depression or anxiety, here are answers to common queries.
The Origins of Cat Breeds • The nearly 10,000-year-old relationship between humans and cats created a modern-day feline that’s remarkably different from its ancestors. Here’s why that matters.
DO CATS REMEMBER PEOPLE? • It’s likely that cats use their senses and associative memory to recall our interactions with them.
Can Cats See in Color? • Well, kind of. Cat vision is a little different than you might expect.
Why Do Cats Lick Themselves? • Some of the reasons are perfectly normal, while others might require a visit to the vet.
Yes, Your Cat Gets Jealous • Not quite like humans do—but close. It’s more about what your cat perceives he needs or wants.
DO CATS REALLY HAVE NINE LIVES? • We all worship the ground our kitties walk on, but they aren’t actually mythical beings capable of fantastic feats of survival—right?
Does Your Cat Have Anxiety or Depression? • Cats can suffer from mental-health conditions just like people. But once a condition is correctly identified, it’s usually short-term.
WHAT ARE WHISKERS FOR? • Are whiskers advanced navigational tools? Extra-sensory wonder filaments? Get-ready-for-hugs indicators? They’re all that and more.
CAT-PARENT LIKE A PRO • Experts address common cat concerns and how to foster a healthy and happy pet.
Before You Adopt • Ahead of your visit to the shelter, consider the financial cost, your lifestyle, and whether you might want more than one new cat.
HOW TO INTRODUCE YOUR CAT TO A NEW KITTEN • Bringing home a new kitten is a lot of fun. But not every member of your family may be as excited as you are.
Foster a Cat, Change Lives • With a little love and patience—and a smidgen of social-media persuasion!—foster parents can change the world for cats and shelter workers.
Should You Let Your Kitty Roam? • Is it safe for cats to venture outdoors? The pros and cons of having an indoor versus outdoor cat.
How to Spot, Treat, and Prevent Allergies in Cats • Itchy kitty? Allergies could be to blame—and relief might be just a swap of the litter or a visit to the vet away.
SAVE YOUR COUCH! • A few simple tricks—and an understanding of why your cat scratches in the first place—can help you coexist.
Help Your Cat Live Longer • From the kitten days to...